miércoles, 3 de junio de 2009


El dia Viernes 5 de Mayo estaba fijada la Prueba de Ingles para 1°, 2°y 3° Basicos, pero esta sera cambiada apara el dia Lunes 8 de Mayo. GRacias por su comprension.

martes, 31 de marzo de 2009

5th Grades

Dear Parents:

Your children are going to use the book: English in Mind Starter A next Thursday 2nd of April. So please send the book.

The Teacher

Eva Vilca Fernández

4th Grades

Dear Parents:

Your children are going to use the book: Stardust 4 next Thursday 2nd of April. So please send the book.

The Teachers

Mario Grawe
Eva Vilca

3rd Grades

Dear Parents:

Your children are going to use the books: Stardust 3 next Thursday 2nd of April. So please send the books.

The teachers
Elena Villarroel
Mario Grawe
Eva Vilca