lunes, 28 de julio de 2008

1st grade, Competition for the best animal posters

The 1st grade students have been working on 5 different environments for animals. They had to create a poster representing ocean, farm, jungle, desert and house animals. They had great fun cutting, pasting and drawing.
The winners from Miss Eva´s group were:
1A - Sebastian Cappona, Nazira Araya, Marianna Contreras, Andres Cespedes
Suzanna Calle, Antonella Faundez, Renata Ahumada, Cristopher Bernales
1B - Savka Guzman, Gabriel Lay, Francisca Guttierrez, Luis Araya
1C - Sofia Ferreira, Luciano Michea, Sebastian Garay, Goran Marinkovic
Miss Alice´s group were:-
1A - Lourdes Mamani, Sofia Silva, Daniela Soto
1B - Goram Martinez, Renato Retamales, Marcos Saavedra, Bastian Soto, German Nicholas, Joaquin Aguilero
1C - Antonia Rojas, Cristobal Romero, Francisca Salas, Guilianna Sarmiento

Congratulations to the winners and well done to all the students who participated
Miss Eva and Miss Alice

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