miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2008

Spring Evening 2008, Participants 1st grades

Hello to the participants of 1st grades.
This is just to re-advise you of the spring evening and those who have been chosen to represent their class. It is very important that the parents stay until the end of the show to support their child and fellow students.

List of students

The colours :
1A- Susanna- Red, Catherine-white, 1B Fabian-green, 1C Luciano-orange Banine-brown, Melanie-yellow

NOTE CHANGE :- Luciano 1C-from yellow twinkle to ORANGE

The Twinkles :
1A- Red Twinkle: Atenea, 1B-Green Twinkle-LiMei, 1C Yellow Twinkle-Antonia

NOTE CHANGE : Limei 1B from the colour orange to GREEN TWINKLE,
Marcos 1B cancelled from the show replaced by LiMei 1B-Green Twinkle,
Luciano 1C from Yellow Twinkle to ORANGE

The characters
1A-Javiera-Tina 1B-Gabriel-Bobby 1C-Sebastian S-Tim

The food
apples-Andres 1A, cakes-Lourdes-1A, oranges-Guillano-1B
pear-Bianka-1B, biscuit-Sofia-1C, banana-Sarai-1C

Thanks, see you at 1C classroom, at 17:30
Miss Eva & Miss Alice

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